Digital Audio Production

Is music your life? Want to learn how to create your own? Learn how to create your own digital audio and music by studying sound frequencies, recording and editing digital audio files, composing and scoring music with a Digital Audio Workstation for use in movies, video games, and standalone listening, create foley sound for multimedia productions, understand the use of subtractive and additive synthesis, studio based and field (location) audio production, and much more!

In this course, students will study Equipment / DAW Software Workflow, Fundamentals of Sonic Relationships, Analog to Digital Audio Conversion, Audio File Types and Quality, Recording Audio, Podcasting and Voice Recording, Standalone Music Composition (Original / Mashup), Sound and Scoring for Multimedia Projects, Effects and Signal Paths, Additive and Subtractive Sound, Synthesis, Mixing, Equalization, Mastering, Digital Delivery and Distribution, and much more.
Digital Audio Production provides students the opportunity to acquire the technical knowledge and requisite skills needed for successful entry level employment in media related occupations and/or advanced post-secondary studies. It provides training in the study of the relationships of sound frequencies, recording and editing digital audio files, editing sound files in a Digital Audio Workstation for use in movies, games, and standalone listening, creating foley sound for multimedia productions, understanding the use of subtractive and additive synthesis, as well as studio based and field (location) audio production. Course content is structured through lecture-laboratory experiences as it relates to individual and group projects. Each student will complete a portfolio of his/her work.