Advanced Placement (AP)
The Advanced Placement program is sponsored by the College Board, a non-profit membership association. AP offers college level courses and exams for highly motivated students in secondary schools. Its reputation for excellence results from the close cooperation among secondary schools, colleges, and the College Board. More than 2,900 universities and colleges worldwide grant credit, advanced placement, or both to students who have performed satisfactorily on the exams, and 1,400 institutions grant sophomore standing to students who meet their requirements. For more information about the AP program in general, click here.
Johansen's AP Offerings
Evans: AP English Language and Composition
Gwynn: AP English Literature and Composition
Veneman: Honors English 1 and 2
Youngman: Honors English 3 and 4
Amador: AP European History, AP US History
Muncrief: AP Government and Politics
Simas: AP Human Geography
White: AP Psychology
Ambrocio: AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, Honors Secondary Math III
Jauregui Guevara: Honors Algebra 1
Polley: Honors Pre Calculus
Whiteside: AP Statistics, Honors Geometry
Campbell: AP Environmental Science
Waddell: AP Physics, Honors Physics
White: AP Psychology
Gleaves: Honors Biology
Mesrobian: Honors Chemistry
Waddell: Honors Physics
Gomez: AP Spanish for Spanish Speakers 5