Design, Visual, and Media Arts

The Johansen Digital Arts Pathway (DAP) is a CTE (Career Technical Education) pathway at Johansen High School in which students learn the basics through advanced programs and applications in all things Digital & Media Arts. Students in this pathway focus on 3D Graphics & Animation, Branding/Marketing, Digital Photography, Video Production, Online Media production and student driven content creation with industry standard advanced computer applications such as Adobe Creative Cloud. Students in advanced courses prepare themselves for college and careers in the creative realms of photography, online content production and media influencing, movies, television and photographic print media. Some courses are articulated through MJC, which means students have the potential to earn college credit by completing certain courses with certain grades. Students in this pathway also have the opportunity to participate in real world experience events, field trips, media conferences, competitions locally, statewide, and internationally. The Johansen Digital Arts Pathway is for students interested in discovering the vast world of digital arts and to explore technologies, programs, and experiences for possible careers in the real world.
Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathway

Amanda Rhodes
DSLR Photography
Nicolas Garcia
3D Computer Graphics and Animation